Policy Statement
It is the policy of Asset Training to consult withIndustry partners, colleagues, peers and its students (many of which are industry employees) to garner advice, recommendations and suggestions to maintain continual improvement and currency in the training courses and course materials Asset Training provides. It is Asset Trainings desire to provide the highest quality of training product available within Australia.
1. Asset Training seeks advice from industry experts (manufacturers, product suppliers, competitors) via an industry consultation form. We invite industry experts to attend one of our training courses within their field of expertise and have them provide feedback on various aspect of the training course as an industry expert.
2. We have an industry panel consisting of members from within Asset Training, Aqua Assets, SECA and other 3rd party industry peers.
3. Our parent company is a provider of the services we train in. We are in constant contact with our parent company providing both initial and refresher training from their employees. We constantly seek feedback from the and their clients regarding the training we provide.
4. Our students provide a feedback survey at the end of every training course which is reviewed at our continual improvement meetings which are held quarterly throughout the year. Any issues or merits are tabled and discussed or resolved.
It shall be the responsibility of the ChiefExecutive Officer and the Training Centre Manager to ensure that the requirements of this policy are met. The CEO is to ensure this policy continues to comply with relevant state or federal legislation and shall review this policy on a regular basis.