RIIWHS202E - Enter and work in confined spaces
RIIRIS201E - Conduct local risk control
MSMPER200 - Work in accordance with an issued permit
Confined space basic is designed to provide the participants with the entry level confined space competencies required to minimise risks in the workplace associated with confined spaces. This course provides participants with specific knowledge & skills to participate in the process of hazard identification, risk assessment and control related to confined spaces. This course is made up of 3 national units of competency.
This course is delivered in accordance with AS2865 - 2009 Safe Work in Confined Spaces and SafeWork NSW COP – Confined Spaces – Dec 2011.
Persons who are undertaking work associated with confined space entry including standby duties, rescue & first aid, those who are monitoring and/or maintaining equipment associated with confined space entry should complete a Confined Space course.
Asset Training recognises accredited training by other Registered Training Organisations, work & life experience and previous training for the RPL process.
Applications for recognition of prior learning should be made via the online enrolment form.
Assessment will consist of some written activities with multiple answer question format plus, a practical assessment covering the use of equipment and a practical test in confined space simulator.
The practical assessment portion of this course is physically demanding and requires simulated work practices to be performed in a confined space training facility. Please advise if you feel you may have difficulties.
Please note: There is a minimum requirement of 5 confirmed student bookings for this course to run.
Photo ID
Casual clothing
Enclosed shoes