Asset Training - Winner of the 2019 Hunter Safety Award for "Best WHS Training Course". Asset Training is proud to announce that their High Pressure Water Jetting training course was selected as this years winner of the prestigious Hunter Safety Award for best WHS training course. This was the 3rd time Asset Training has been nominated for the award but this was their year. Training Manager, Ian Nathan said "I am extremely proud of the team I have, their commitment to the training we provide is second to none. We have 22 safe work training courses that we offer but I believe our high pressure water jetting course is our most popular and to now have it nominated as a best-in-class training course and by a fairly substantial panel of judges, this is the seal of approval and recognition we have been hoping for. I would like to thank the "Hunter Safety Awards", the judges and the official sponsor of our category "Programmed" for our award, definitely a proud moment - thank you".